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"Reading Recommendations" by Katie Smith

Updated: Jul 26, 2022

So now that you know my taste in music is about as colorful as the rainbow, I thought I would come up with another commonly requested list: books! In real life I am a James Patterson junky. If I had unlimited time and no textbooks, I might finally finish the women’s murder club series. I see this question come up quite a bit in support groups, what books about adoption are suitable for kids? I am including Ella’s list, but I would also like to give you some that I have thoroughly enjoyed.

1. Pressing Pause, 100 Quiet Moments for Moms to Meet with Jesus by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk

I read this one during the wait, then tucked it away and read it again after Ella arrived and I love it. If you are a faith-based family, this is a perfect recommendation. It is brief daily devotionals that are incredibly relatable regarding life stress and the stresses of parenthood.

2. The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog by Bruce Perry and Maia Szalavitz

THIS IS MY FAVORITE BOOK EVER. This is actually a book that most graduate students in the field of psychology are required to read. Because I don’t have the mental stamina for grad school…I read it for fun. Bruce is a psychiatrist who specializes in childhood trauma, this book is a collection of some of his most severe cases. This would be a phenomenal book for foster parents or those seeking adoptions of older kids who may have experienced trauma, but really, I think it should be required reading for all parents. He uses some big scientific words from time to time (blonde here), overall though it is an easy read. It really paints a vivid picture of the human mind, resiliency of children, and how much healing power there is in love.

3. Chosen for Greatness: How Adoption Changes the World by Paul Batura

This one has pros and cons. It is basically a collection of public figures who were adopted and a brief synopsis of their stories. It is a great book to see just how many people’s lives are touched by adoption, more than you would think. However, in a way, it feels like the author is insinuating that these people would not have led extraordinary lives if they had remained with their birth families. Maybe I am reading too much into it on that level, I will let you decide for yourself. Overall, I still recommend.

4. Where We Belong by Emily Griffin

I mentioned this one in a previous post. This is the one I found in the lost and found, otherwise would have had no intention of reading it. It is a fictional tale about a girl seeking out her birth mother. It is sweet and heartwarming and I highly recommend it for an easy read.

5. In on It: What Adoptive Parents Would Like You to Know About Adoption by Elisabeth O’Toole

Another previously mentioned book. It really helped me with the topic of “oversharing” and how to address sensitive subjects. Add it to your list and share it with friends and family! Bonus: if they read it, you can stop having the same daunting conversation with every single loved one.

6. Adoption Through the Rearview Mirror by Karen Springs

I am only halfway through this book. It focuses on international adoption, but it still does a good job recounting the expectations vs. reality of adoption and overcoming the challenges that some families faced.

7. The Connected Child: Bring Hope and Healing to Your Adoptive Family

Confession: I have never read it. It just gets outstanding reviews and is highly recommended by the adoption community.

If you are adopting a newborn and your child is anything like mine, you might as well add a sleep training book to the list. You are going to be TIRED. Do you hear me? TIE…URD.

T-I-R-E-D. Tired. Zombie-walking, dark-circle-flaunting, messy-bun-on-the-daily-wearing, no-full-sentences-speaking, tired.

Ella’s List:

1. I Wished for You by Marianne Richmond

2. God Found Us You by Lisa Tawn Bergren

3. Babies Come from Airports by Erin Dealey

4. A Mother for Choco by Keiko Kasza

5. Tell Me Again About the Night I was Born by Jamie Lee Curtis

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